LBRY Desktop 0.36 Releases

Hey LBRYians, happy Friday! We are proud to present LBRY Galileo - our latest LBRY Desktop release. The new feature list is HUGE, make sure to check out all the details here:

Main new features include:

  • YouTube Partner Program (Sync) users can now claim ownership of their channels and content. See the Channels page to start! See for details.
  • Channels page that lists all your channels, including any YouTube channels queued/ready to transfer
  • New sign in user flow - includes automatically claiming a 1 LBC reward and channel creation
  • Wallet syncing for new users - this is enabled on sign in. Coming to all users over the next few weeks. See for details.
  • Subscription and view counts on all content / channels
  • Ability to paginate on Library/Wallet (Full History)/Publishes pages
  • Additional breakdown of balances on your Wallet page (i.e. shows any locked tips / supports sent)

Thank you to everyone for their help in testing and supporting LBRY!

Special reward code for this release: galileo-104-yxap