[Guide] How to use new LBRY Blockchain rewritten in GO

GitHub: GitHub - lbryio/lbcd: An alternative full node implementation of LBRY's blockchain written in Go (golang)


  1. Install Go according to the installation instructions here: Download and install - The Go Programming Language
  2. Ensure Go was installed properly and is a supported version ( Go 1.14 or newer. )
  3. Install it with command: go install
  4. To build executable use: go build
  5. You can start with ./chain (If won’t start do chmod +x chain)


  1. Install Go according to the installation instructions here: http://golang.org/doc/install
  2. Ensure Go was installed properly and is a supported version ( Go 1.14 or newer. )
  3. Install TDM-GCC Download | tdm-gcc
  4. Install it with command: go install
  5. To build executable use: go build
  6. You can start with chain.exe

I wish building and using lbrynet was that easy :sweat_smile:

Just recently was able to build lbrynet (Python 3.7 and all that too) on FreeBSD i386, then ran it and got a thread safety ImportError message from libtorrent 2.0.6. :confused:

The message is:

ImportError: /path/to/lbry-sdk/lbry-venv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/libtorrent-2.0.6-py3.7-freebsd-12.4-RELEASE-i386.egg/libtorrent.so: No space available for static Thread Local Storage

Full message here